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 14-17 March 2024, Nice, France ECNP-workshop  ECNP Workshop for Early Career Scientists in Europe The ECNP Workshop aims to stimulate high-quality experimental and clinical research in brain disorders and their treatments by promoting and encouraging the development of Early Career Scientists.  We are pleased to boast that our PhD student, Ms. Agata Korlatowicz, has received a travel grant to participate in the ECNP workshops in Nice. Wishing you fruitful discussions!!
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Świętowanie / Celebrating

 Rzadko mamy czas, aby wspólnie wyjść na miasto, ale są rzeczy ważne i ważniejsze!  Wszystkiego najlepszego Pani Profesor! Aby zawsze była Pani dla nas inspiracją! We rarely have time to go out together, but there are important things and even more important ones! Happy Birthday, Professor! May you always be an inspiration to us!

G protein-Coupled Receptor Dimerization - What next?

Zachęcamy do przeczytania naszego najnowszego artykułu przeglądowego na temat dimeryzacji receptorów GPCR! We encourage you to read our latest review article on GPCR receptor dimerization!

Właśnie rozpoczyna się XLI Szkoła Zimowa Instytutu Farmakologii im. Jerzego Maja PAN w Krakowie. Tegoroczna szkoła nosi tytuł " Glutaminian - fizjologia, patologia, terapia".  Naszą Pracownię reprezentuje nasza doktorantka pani mgr Agata Korlatowicz.

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With great pleasure, we announce that the findings of our research on the impact of microRNAs on stress susceptibility and resilience in mice have been published in Molecular Neurobiology! Our study sheds light on the intricate role of mmu-miR-1a-3p and mmu-miR-155-5p in regulating stress responses, highlighting their significance in understanding neurobiological mechanisms underlying stress-related behaviors. This publication marks a significant step forward in unraveling the complexities of stress modulation and suggests promising avenues for future therapeutic interventions. Modulating Stress Susceptibility and Resilience: Insights from miRNA Manipulation and Neural Mechanisms in Mice | Molecular Neurobiology (

Preclinical models of treatment-resistant depression: challenges and perspectives (

Our review article on Preclinical Models of Treatment-Resistant Depression - Challenges and Perspectives has just been published. We encourage you to read it! Preclinical models of treatment-resistant depression: challenges and perspectives (