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Showing posts from March, 2023


Dr Joanna Solich and Dr hab. Agata Faron-Górecka from our Lab are co-organizers of  5TH CENTRAL EUROPEAN BIOMEDICAL CONGRESS Future trends in health interventions which will be from May 29 - June 1, 2023, in Krakow, Poland.  We sincerely invite you all! More information about the congress and the program can be found on the event website

New positive allosteric modulators of EAAT2 glutamate transporter as candidates for treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases

We will soon begin a new adventure in the history of our laboratory. As part of the consortium to which Prof. Krzysztof Kaminski of the  Medical College Jagiellonian University has invited us, our team will realize the NCN OPUS research project: New positive allosteric modulators of EAAT2 glutamate transporter as candidates for treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases.  556061-en.pdf (   Keep your fingers crossed!

Altered Intracellular Signaling Associated with Dopamine D2 Receptor in the Prefrontal Cortex in Wistar Kyoto Rats

To find the mechanisms that underlie treatment-resistant depression, we use an endogenous animal model of the disease - Wistar Kyoto rats - for our research.  You can learn more about our biochemical findings in our latest publication  We encourage you to read!

Molecular characterization of habenular nuclei in the genetic rat model of treatment-resistant depression

The scientific meetings of the Maj Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences are an essential event in the scientific life of the Institute. At today's meeting, Agata Korlatowicz had the opportunity to present her results.  Thank you for the extensive and interesting discussion!
 We are not slowing down... We are training all the time! # LeicaThunder System, Maj Insitute of Pharmacology, PAS, Kraków, Poland # Laboratory of Flow Cytometry,  Maj Insitute of Pharmacology, PAS, Kraków, Poland

XL Winter School of the Maj Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences

 Thank you for the opportunity to lecture at the XL Winter School of the Maj Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Psychedelics ( Dr hab. Agata Faron-Górecka and dr Magdalena Kolasa prepared a lecture titled: Preclinical models of treatment-resistant depression - challenges and perspectives. It was a great conference!  Thank you for the invitation! 


Mgr Agata Korlatowicz was awarded a NAWA scholarship for a foreign internship at Semmelweiss University ( Semmelweis University – Medicine and Health Sciences ) in Budapest. Courtesy of Dr. Zoltan Varga (the Experimental Advanced Histopathology Core Facility #  Experimental Advanced Histopathology Core Facility – Core Facility ( ), she had the opportunity to work on a LEICA LMD6 laser microdissection system and prepare material for further analysis of her dissertation.  Good job Agata!